Mel Speaks on

Right Image:Mel Gibson at a press conference recently where he ranted ad nauseum about several pressing melgibzism.
Mr G started his address with a breif and solemn statement about his being blacklisted in hollywood, among the aftermath of an abuse acusation about his subliminal cigarette salesmenship amidst apocalypto trailer airings. A fact we reported on in May (check the archives). Gibson was flustered at losing his first list spot for a position in the Ocean's 13 cast, explogazzled nonesense about World of Mideastwarcraft III, finalizing his address with some nonsense about some blob he had a crazy theory regarding. An investigation into the intial image yieled a crop of seconday investigations into the criminality of covering people in white chalk and any potential punishment for Saddam Hussein look-alike-ism under the patriot act.

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