Let's Spin Some Newz!
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an enigma, might be president by 2008 or commander and chief of an armageddon army by 2012.
31 Oct 2003 Regarding recently-elected California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Fidel Castro declares: "To judge from the photographs, he has a lot of muscle, but they have not tested him to see how much muscle he has in the brain... He may well have more force in the arms than in the brain." -Source (NSFW)
At first, he was planning some kind of discussion. Now, it looks like he's declaring war against the Fox

I for one see the high virtues of an amendment to allow foreigners to hold the high office, that way my plan for Brazilian world domination does not have to start with a maoist rebellion in the Amazon basin, it can start with auditions in LA, sitcoms, movies, an oscar, govenor, then president, right after arnold. Id make put people in jail for calling football, soccer. Fabio for el-presidentiship 2030! Let me know how this story follows up and maybe ill cancel my e-bay shipment of AK-47's and little red scarves.
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