So I think I might wanna work for the CIA. I say that after years of fear-mongering the establishment that the CIA seems so intergral in, but lately I see that the element effecting change that I always so longed to be a part of is not a counter-culture, but rather a counter-counter-culture. This is not simple culture as the double negative might imply, but an ascended sort of understanding. There are great evils and there are great goods in the world. Every facet of human existence holds a commingling of these polar extemes. Institutions of order represent human attempts at higher being. These instititutions are things like governments, schools, religions, social networks, and community. The initial impulse of any conscious youth in America is an immediate revulsion toward our action in global politics lately. America operates a torture camp in a communist nation to indefinetly hold prisoners of a war with no determinate enemy. We've started a war against an enemy as staunchly secure in their religious conviction that democracy represents the ultimate god-less evil in the world, as we are that they represent a force of god-less stagnant opression and ignorance.

The key to life lived to it's fullest is really as simple as thinking and acting on your thoughts. The world offers a vast array of possibility to direct what is a nearly infinite human potential. The only goal that serves no end is disorder. The ordered whole as it is offers anyone of any persuasion a way to make it in this world. It's just about looking for it. The greatest system of order I could express desire for all humans to participate in is reality. There's really no reason not to be here. Our American society has bread an opulence that lends itself to hedonism, depression, and disorder. These things are destructive to society and the globe. The people in charge have a plan that I worry may be steering us toward a very dangerous place, what with war in the middle east and all, but they are a well intrenched powerful aristocracy that shows no sign of leaving its perched position. Our only hope for effecting change in the world is to affect the people around us. In the end people make the world. Half of America's populace doesn't vote! The government is
pushing us around and
spying on us. We don't care though, cause they've got us hooked on TV and Fast-Food. Stop reading what I'm writing right now. You're wasting your time I can assure you. I intend to say nothing in these last few sentences other than that I'm sure theres something very productive you could be doing with your time and I'm sure you're not doing cause you're reading my words. Actions speak. Words just talk. I'm not saying anything anymore. Get out of here already and DO SOMETHING!
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