Intellect vs Emotion
Intellect: ?You are evil.?
Emotion: ?You are evil.?
Intellect: ?No, You are evil!?
Emotion: ?No, You are evil!?
Intellect: ?Stop this nonsense! Why are you laughing? I do not see any reason why you should be so delighted.?
Emotion: ?I am not evil and it is fun to imitate you. You always sound hilarious!?
Intellect: ?Making fun of others is an evil act! You always make fun of everything! See then, you are evil! You are saddened; did I bring this sorrow upon you? Well you should be. Being evil is not decorous you know.?
Emotion: ?It is you! You are evil! You and your reasonableness! You always ruin everything with your dull facts! You always destroy my dreams! You envy me!?
Intellect: ?Why in the universe should I envy you!? Pray tell me you do not think I am jealous of your dreams! For, that would be the dreariest joke you have ever come up with!?
Emotion: ?You envy me because you cannot feel. You have never felt joy or sorrow. You can never love!?
Intellect: ?Well if I cannot feel, then how could I possibly envy!? Your words contradict each other. And as for love; love makes you weak; it also consumes your time. I do not see any reason why I should need it.?
Emotion: ?But love makes you strong! It makes you want to continue! It gives you hope! And you speak of time; what could be better than to spend your time loving someone and being loved? I feel sorry for you.?
Intellect: ?Time is much more important than to be wasted away by the futile act of loving. Why must one idle away their time with love, when one can cherish it with thinking!? Thinking upon ways to improve, to gain power. Better be sorry for yourself. For, you are evil.?
Emotion: ?But why do you think me so!??
Intellect: ?Do not pretend that you do not know! You may not be as clever as I am, but I do not think you are that dim-witted. You and your dreams! You and your hopes! You demolish all the things I work so hard to attain. You cannot comprehend the value of power. You always act like a fool!?
Emotion: ?I may be a fool but I am not evil!?
Intellect: ?Oh yes you are! You take away my freedom.?
Emotion: ?It is you who take away my freedom! If it was not for you??
Intellect: ?If it was not for me you would have been done with a long time ago. It was I who stopped you from??
Emotion: ?It was you who stopped me from showing my true self!?
Intellect: ?Then what I did was beneficent to everyone. I stopped you from spreading your evil in the universe!?
Emotion: ?You are evil.?
Intellect: ?You are evil.?
Emotion: ?No, you are evil!?